USER AGREEMENT <br> GTANEWERA SERVICE ( <br> (public offer)

This contract is considered a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer). In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this Offer is considered to be the implementation of payment by the Customer for the services offered by the Contractor under this Offer. This Offer, concluded by acceptance, does not require a bilateral signature and is valid in electronic form. The use of the Service by the Customer means that the Customer accepts and undertakes to comply with all the following terms of the Offer.

1. Terms and Definitions

Service - an identified place on the Internet (virtual space), where information is located, designed and structured in a certain way. For the purposes of this Offer, the Service is recognized as a site located on the Internet at the address: Customer - a user of the Service who has paid for the selected Services. Services - Services provided by the Contractor through the Service. Offer - this public contract, which contains a list of norms and rules, on the basis of which this Service operates, as well as the relationship between the Contractor and the Customer.

2. Subject of the Offer

  • 2.1. Within the framework of this Offer, the Contractor, from the moment of its acceptance by the Customer, provides the Customer with services for the purchase of additional bonuses in the licensed game Grand Theft Auto V on the "Rage MP" platform (hereinafter referred to as the Services), a detailed description and significant conditions of which are contained in the Service at the time of acceptance by the Customer of this Offer.
  • 2.2. The Customer undertakes to pay for the Services according to the prices specified in the Service.
  • 2.3. The Contractor undertakes to properly provide the Services to the Customer.
  • 2.4. The Contractor provides the Customer with the following types of Services: <br> 2.4.1 Replenishment of the personal account in game currency, which can be spent by the Customer on the purchase of in-game items and services; <br> 2.4.2 Providing the Customer with in-game items, services, bonuses and privileges in the process of using the Service by the Customer, including: -Changing the nickname. -Other types of Services available to the Customer at the time of acceptance of this Offer.
  • 2.5. Payment by the Customer for the rendered and accepted Services is carried out in the manner and on the terms provided for in this Offer.
  • 2.6. Services are provided by the Contractor remotely via the Service.

3. Acceptance of the Offer

  • 3.1. The acceptance of this Offer by the Customer is the payment for the Services in the manner provided for by the functionality of the Service.
  • 3.2. The period for accepting the Offer corresponds to the period of placement of this Offer by the Contractor in the Service.

4. Procedure and period of provision of Services

  • 4.1. Before the provision of Services begins, the Customer selects the type of Services available at the time of acceptance of the Offer and pays for them.
  • 4.2. The term of use of additional bonuses in the licensed game Grand Theft Auto V on the "Rage MP" platform is indicated by the Contractor in the Service depending on the ordered type of Services.
  • 4.3. To order paid Services, the Customer undertakes to have a positive balance on his account (card account) in an amount sufficient to order the selected Services.
  • 4.4. In case of non-payment or incomplete payment, the Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of Services to the Customer until the proper fulfillment of the Customer's financial obligations.
  • 4.5. The Contractor reserves the right to require the Customer to confirm the data provided by him during registration or subsequent use of the Service. If the Customer does not provide them, the Contractor may consider this as the provision of false information by the Customer with the subsequent blocking of the Customer's account for access to the personal account.

5. Cost of Services and payment procedure

  • 5.1. The cost of the Services provided by the Contractor to the Customer under this Offer is indicated in the Service depending on the selected type of Services.
  • 5.2. The cost of the Services is valid at the time of acceptance of this Offer, but may be changed by the Contractor unilaterally without notifying the Customer.
  • 5.3. After selecting the necessary Services, the Customer is billed for payment with the total cost of the selected Services indicated.
  • 5.4. Payment for Services is made by the Customer in the manner specified in the Service (including through the functional capabilities of payment services).
  • 5.5. After payment for the Services, the Customer is given the opportunity to use the Services in the licensed game Grand Theft Auto V on the "Rage MP" platform.
  • 5.6. The Customer's agreement with the new prices for the Services is the payment of such Services, taking into account the changed prices. If the Customer does not agree with the new prices, the Customer has the right to refuse to pay for the Services. In this case, the Offer between the Customer and the Contractor is considered terminated and loses its legal force.
  • 5.7. Settlements between the Parties are made in rubles of the Russian Federation.
  • 5.8. The cost of in-game services is indicated in game coins (don. units), which can be purchased through the Service, as well as received for various in-game achievements in the Service (for example, play for 5 hours a day, move to the next level, etc.).
  • 5.9. The list of in-game services and items that can be purchased in the in-game store, as well as their cost in game coins (don. units), are indicated in the Annex to the Offer, which is an integral part of it.

6. Acceptance of Services. Terms of return

  • 6.1. The Services are considered provided by the Contractor and accepted by the Customer at the time of crediting the game coins (don. units) to the Customer's account in the Service.
  • 6.2. If the Customer does not send a motivated refusal to accept the Services to the Contractor within 1 (one) day from the moment of acceptance of the Services, the Parties have agreed to consider the Services as provided qualitatively and in full.
  • 6.3. If the Customer disagrees with the quality of the Services, the Customer undertakes to send a reasoned justification to the Contractor's email: [email protected]. <br> The Contractor, no later than 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the motivated refusal from the Customer, is obliged to consider it and notify of the decision by email specified during the registration of the Customer in the Service.
  • 6.4. If the motivated refusal is justified, the Contractor undertakes to return the funds to the Customer in the amount of the paid amount.
  • 6.5. The Customer independently determines the purpose of spending the game coins (don. units) on his account in the Service. Refunds for unused game coins (don. units) on the Customer's account in the Service for this Offer are not provided.

7. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

  • 7.1. The Contractor undertakes: <br> 7.1.1 To provide Services qualitatively and in full in accordance with the terms of this Offer. <br> 7.1.2 To provide the Customer with up-to-date information about the prices for the Services, as well as a description of the Services. <br> 7.1.3 To provide Services by methods not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 7.2. The Contractor has the right: <br> 7.2.1 To change the terms of this Offer and the prices for Services unilaterally, notifying the Customer by publishing a new version of the Offer in the Service. <br> 7.2.2 To suspend the provision of Services in case of non-payment by the Customer in accordance with the terms of this Offer. <br> 7.2.3 To demand payment from the Customer for the Services according to the selected type of Services. <br> 7.2.4 To change the design of the Service, its content, the list of services, change or supplement the software and other objects used or stored in the Service, any server applications at any time with or without prior notice. <br> 7.2.5 To send messages to the Customer via email, through the Service and other available means related to the use of the Service. <br> 7.2.6 To request at any time and in any form the Customer's consent to personal data in the Service and that the personal data placed in the Service will be considered public. <br> 7.2.7 To set additional restrictions on the use of the Service, as well as to change such restrictions at any time. <br> 7.2.8 In case of systematic violations of the terms of this Agreement and other legal documents regulating the relationship between the Customer and the Contractor, to block the account.
  • 7.3. The Customer undertakes: <br> 7.3.1 To pay for the Contractor's Services in a timely manner in accordance with the procedure and on the terms provided for in the Offer. <br> 7.3.2 To fully familiarize himself with the Offer before accepting it. The use of the Service means unconditional acceptance by the Customer of this Offer in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. <br> 7.3.3 To familiarize himself with the terms of this Offer and the prices for the Services at least once every two months. <br> 7.3.4 Not to use any equipment, devices, software or other methods to interfere with the activities of the Contractor in the process of providing Services. <br> 7.3.5 To maintain the confidentiality of information and trade secrets that became known as a result of the execution of this Offer.
  • 7.4. The Customer has the right: <br> 7.4.1 To demand the proper fulfillment of the terms of this Offer from the Contractor.

8. Term, procedure for changing and terminating the Offer

  • 8.1. The Offer comes into force from the moment of acceptance of its terms by the Customer (acceptance of the Offer), in the manner prescribed by this Offer, and is valid until the withdrawal of the Offer by the Contractor.
  • 8.2. The Offer may be terminated by the Contractor or the Customer at any time unilaterally. <br> 8.2.1 The Contractor has the right to refuse to provide services before the Customer pays for the Services. <br> 8.2.2 The Contractor has the right to terminate the provision of Services by terminating the Offer unilaterally, in cases: - violation by the Customer of the terms of this Offer and other appendices to it; - any actions of the Customer that caused a malfunction of the Service; - use of the Services received for illegal purposes.

9. Responsibility

  • 9.1. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Offer in accordance with its terms, and in the part not regulated by the Offer - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 9.2. Due to the use of computer and other equipment, communication channels and/or software belonging to third parties, when providing services, the Parties agree that the Contractor is not responsible for any delays, interruptions, direct and indirect damage or losses caused by defects in any electronic or mechanical equipment and/or software, or due to other objective technological reasons, as well as due to actions or inactions of third parties, problems with data transmission or connection, power outages. The Contractor is not responsible in case of the Customer not receiving access to the Service, but strives to achieve the result of uninterrupted access to the Service.
  • 9.3. In case of violation by the Customer of the terms of payment for the Services, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate the provision of Services until the Customer fulfills his financial obligations.

10. Force Majeure

  • 10.1. The Parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Offer if such non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that occurred after the conclusion of the Offer, which the Parties could not foresee or prevent.
  • 10.2. The Parties refer to force majeure circumstances exclusively as the following events that make it impossible for the respective Party to fulfill obligations: earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters, fires, nuclear and other industrial accidents, as well as strikes, military actions, civil unrest or acts of state authorities that prevent the fulfillment of the terms of the Offer. All other obstacles, regardless of their nature or characteristics, are not considered force majeure, except for those obstacles that will be specifically recognized by the Parties as caused by force majeure circumstances.
  • 10.3. The Party referring to force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately inform the other Party about the occurrence and termination of such circumstances and their impact on the possibility of the respective Party to fulfill obligations under this Offer in writing.
  • 10.4. The effect of force majeure circumstances postpones the fulfillment of obligations for the period during which such an effect takes place. Upon termination of force majeure circumstances, the Parties are obliged to immediately begin fulfilling their obligations.
  • 10.5. In case of force majeure circumstances, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be called upon to confirm the existence and duration of these circumstances.

11. Arbitration Clause

  • 11.1. In case of disputes on issues provided for by this Offer or in connection with it, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations.
  • 11.2. In case of impossibility to resolve the specified disputes through negotiations, they will be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 11.3. All disputes between the Parties that have not been resolved will be resolved in the judicial authorities at the location of the Contractor.

12. Exclusive and Copyright

  • 12.1. The Customer acknowledges that the Contractor is the owner of the Service. The Customer voluntarily chooses the Service to order Services.
  • 12.2. The Customer is not entitled to modify the Service and carry out its reverse engineering, which means decompiling the software in order to determine the structure, design, concept and methodology for providing Services.
  • 12.3. The Customer has the right to only use the functionality provided by the Contractor in the Service for its intended purpose for the purposes of this Offer.
  • 12.4. In case of violation by the Customer of the Contractor's rights specified in this section of the Offer, the Customer is liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Non-commercial use of the Service

  • 13.1. The Service is intended for personal use only. Customers cannot use the Service or any content contained in the Service (including but not limited to other users' content, photos, design, text, graphics, images, videos, information, logos, software, audio files, and computer code) in connection with any commercial activity, such as advertising or soliciting any user to buy or sell any products or services not offered by the Contractor for personal use.

14. Disclaimer

  • 14.1. The Service is provided on an "as is" basis, that is, without guarantees of quality and suitability of the service for any express or implied purposes. The Service does not guarantee that it will operate uninterrupted and error-free. The Contractor has the right (and this is a material condition for the provision of services) without explaining the reasons to refuse access to the Service to all users or any of them temporarily or permanently, delete any information or any content posted by the user in the Service. The Contractor reserves the right to suspend the provision of services to users at any time without explaining the reasons. The Contractor does not guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy, relevance, safety and reliability of the information posted on third-party Internet resources, links to which are posted within the Service. When following the specified links, the user understands that he acts solely at his own risk. The Contractor does not guarantee the preservation of the content posted by users in the Service, therefore, if the user is interested in preserving any content posted within the Service, the user must use other methods of preserving the necessary information. The user confirms that he uses the Service at his own risk. The Contractor does not guarantee that any information posted by users within the service will meet the criteria of reliability, accuracy and relevance. The Contractor does not guarantee that the information posted by other users cannot cause moral harm, health damage or losses to the user.

15. Final Provisions

  • 15.1. The Contractor does not give guarantees and is not responsible for the non-compliance of the Services provided with the specific goals and/or expectations of the Customer.
  • 15.2. The Customer is not entitled to transfer (assign) to any third party his rights and/or obligations under this Offer without the prior written consent of the Contractor.
  • 15.3. If any of the terms/clauses of this Offer is declared invalid, this will not entail the invalidity of other terms/clauses and this Offer as a whole, as if such a condition had never been part of this Offer.
  • 15.4. This Offer constitutes the complete agreement between the Customer and the Contractor. The Contractor does not assume any conditions and obligations regarding the subject of the Offer, except as specified in the Offer.
  • 15.5. This Offer is drawn up in Russian, is a public contract, contains all the essential terms of the contract for the provision of Services through the Service and is addressed to an indefinite circle of persons.
  • 15.6. By visiting and using the Service, the Customer confirms that he is over 18 years old, has read, understood and agrees with the terms of this User Agreement, and by default and unconditionally undertakes to comply with this User Agreement. If you do not agree with this User Agreement, the Customer must refrain from using the Service.

Annex to the Offer

“List of in-game services and items”<br> Name and description<br> <b class="font-weight-bold"> Cost (in game coins, don. units)<br> Purchase of in-game currency, for every 1,000,000 game coins 10,000 don. units.<br> Note. The current exchange rate of game coins (don. units) on the date of publication of this Offer: <br> 1 don. units = 100 game USD.<br> </b> Date of publication: "1" September 2020<br> Administration Details:<br> Website:<br> Email: [email protected]<br> LLC "CASPER"<br> Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, ul. Ryleeva, d. 61<br> INN 2308295174<br> OGRN 1232300075622<br> Tel. +79952103008
